Japanese Ruby books in 2010

Some people know the article "Coming From Ruby" by David Black, and some people may remember the photo of Japanese Ruby Books.


Yes, the all books on the photo are mine :) I brought them from Japan in RubyConf 2002.

After 8 years, in 2010, there are tons of Ruby books published all over the world. Of course, so is in Japan. As Ruby book collector, I've get all Ruby books I found. I tried to introduce these Japanese Ruby books (or Ruby-related books).

David Griffiths、Akira Matsuda, Shu Kojima "Head First Rails ―頭とからだで覚えるRailsの基本"

Head First Rails ―頭とからだで覚えるRailsの基本

Head First Rails ―頭とからだで覚えるRailsの基本

It's translation version of "Head First Rails". There are many English Ruby or Rails books into Japanese.

This book has a little bit strange taste for Japanese (or me), but Matsuda-san is one of the most popular railers in Japan, so he does great works. Thanks!

Keisuke Yano, "プログラマのための文字コード技術入門 (WEB+DB PRESS plus)"

プログラマのための文字コード技術入門 (WEB+DB PRESS plus) (WEB+DB PRESS plusシリーズ)

プログラマのための文字コード技術入門 (WEB+DB PRESS plus) (WEB+DB PRESS plusシリーズ)

In Japan, we live in too much complex environment of character sets. So we need good book about charsets. But some (good) books is too old to read now. When I recommend one book for programmers to learn charset deeply, I do the book.

It's the book about Unicode and other coded character sets/charcter encoding schemes, I18N/L10N and how to programming in Java, and of course, Ruby. The book show how to use multi charsets in Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9. It's very useful when you write I18N/L10N programs in 1.8 and/or 1.9.

I guess WEB+DB PRESS plus series has lots of good books.

Chad Fowler "情熱プログラマー ソフトウェア開発者の幸せな生き方"

情熱プログラマー ソフトウェア開発者の幸せな生き方

情熱プログラマー ソフトウェア開発者の幸せな生き方

Ahh, you know, the book is not about Ruby itself. But it's Chad's book :)

Chad's previous book, "the job went to India", had already translated into Japanese, but I think it's not sold so much. The book, however, became very popular in Japan. We love passion :)

Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson "小さなチーム、大きな仕事―37シグナルズ成功の法則 (ハヤカワ新書juice)"

小さなチーム、大きな仕事―37シグナルズ成功の法則 (ハヤカワ新書juice)

小さなチーム、大きな仕事―37シグナルズ成功の法則 (ハヤカワ新書juice)

Ahhh, the book is also not about Ruby, but it's 37signal's book :) It's translation of "REWORK".

One of the most interesting things about the book is that the translation version was published earlier than original book(!). The published date of Japanese edition is 2010/02/25, but the one of English edition is 2010/03/09. Japanese translation team is too much agile :)

Jay Fields, Shane Harvie, Martin Fowler, Kent Beck "リファクタリング:Rubyエディション"



It's translation version of "Refactoring: Ruby edition". I had the original refactoring book, but I got Ruby edition as Rubyist :)

The publisher of the book is ASCII mediaworks. The publisher has the first Ruby book in the world.

Yoshiharu Hashimoto "JRuby on Railsシステム構築入門 (DB Magazine SELECTION)"

JRuby on Railsシステム構築入門 (DB Magazine SELECTION)

JRuby on Railsシステム構築入門 (DB Magazine SELECTION)

This is Japanese original book about JRuby on Rails. I don't know about JRuby on Rails so much, but the book focused in Japanese IT area to introduce JRuby on Rails I guess.

Nari Nakamura, Hikari Aikawa, Ikuo Takeuchi "ガベージコレクションアルゴリズムと実装"



The title of the book in English is "Gabage Colletion: Algorithm and Implementation". The book is not for CS students, but for working programmers(maybe).

Nari-san is the commiter of Ruby, but the book show the implementation of CPython, Dalvik VM, Rubinius and V8. For this book, we can read GC mechanism in Rubinius in Japanese.

Ikuo Takauchi, the supervisor of the book, is a famous programmer, CS researcher in Japan. He is also famous as tak function.

Gregory Brown "Rubyベストプラクティス -プロフェッショナルによるコードとテクニック"

Rubyベストプラクティス -プロフェッショナルによるコードとテクニック

Rubyベストプラクティス -プロフェッショナルによるコードとテクニック

It's translation version of "Ruby Best Practice." I'm supervisor of the translation :)

The book has an chapter about I18N. The original book uses Chinese examples, but translation use Japanese examples.

I hope the book is good one as English edition.

Masayoshi Takahashi, Yuzo Goto, Matz "たのしいRuby" 3rd edition

たのしいRuby 第3版

たのしいRuby 第3版

The english title is 'Enjoy Ruby'.

It's my book, too :) Strictly speaking, the author is me and gotoyuzo, so I'm co-author. Matz is superviser of the book.

The book is very famous as how-to guidebook of Ruby in Japan, I guess.

Yusaku Ito, Yosuke Tomita, Yoshiyuki Mikami "Ruby on Rails携帯開発技法"

Ruby on Rails携帯サイト開発技法

Ruby on Rails携帯サイト開発技法

The title means how to develop mobile site with Ruby on Rails. Many Japanese people use mobile web

Ola Bini "JRuby on Rails実践開発ガイド (Professional Ruby Series)"

JRuby on Rails実践開発ガイド (Professional Ruby Series)

JRuby on Rails実践開発ガイド (Professional Ruby Series)

It's the translation version of "Practical JRuby on Rails" book.

The translator is Kochirou and Yasuko Ohba. They are enthusiastic evangelists of Ruby and Rails. They updated the book to support Rails 2.x.

Dave Thomas with Chad Fowler and Andy Hunt "プログラミングRuby 1.9 −言語編−/-ライブラリ編-"

プログラミングRuby 1.9 −言語編−

プログラミングRuby 1.9 −言語編−

プログラミングRuby 1.9 −ライブラリ編−

プログラミングRuby 1.9 −ライブラリ編−

It's the translation version of The Ruby Book. It's separated into two book in Japan.

All editions of the book are translated into Japanese, but they were in paper books, not e-book. A month ago, ohmsha opened e-book store, then we can get PDF version of the book (not EPUB/mobi version yet).

Hidehiko Masuhara "情報科学入門―Rubyを使って学ぶ"



The title is "introduction to Information Science - learning with Ruby".

Tokyo Univ. is the top-level university in Japan. They use Ruby in class. Now they use the book to teach computer sciense. Cool!

Kaburaya Keizai Kenkyujo "誰でもできるTwitter Botの作り方―人気キャラにつぶやかせる"

誰でもできるTwitter Botの作り方―人気キャラにつぶやかせる

誰でもできるTwitter Botの作り方―人気キャラにつぶやかせる

Do you know Moe-book? Moe is 萌え, the special emotion or passion.

There are many Moe-books in Japan. They have a lot of illustrations of cute manga characters, but it's not manga. The are how-to books.

The book is about Twitter bot using Ruby. The title means "Developing Twitter bots for dummies". It's thin book and only superficial. But it's OK. It's just for dummies.

Paolo Perrotta "メタプログラミングRuby"



It's translation version of "Meta Programming Ruby".

The biggest Ruby event in Japan is RubyKaigi. RubyKaigi has a bookshop to sell books for Rubyists. In RubyKaigi 2010 bookshop, the book is number one selling book. We love metaprogramming :)

Minero Aoki, Yuzo Goto, Masayoshi Takahashi, Yukihiro Matsumoto "Rubyレシピブック 第3版 303の技"

Rubyレシピブック 第3版 303の技

Rubyレシピブック 第3版 303の技

The title is "Ruby recipe book - 303 technique, 3rd edition". It's another my book :)

In the third edition, we added recipes of Ruby 1.9. I'm very happy many Rubyists use this book.


言語設計者たちが考えること (THEORY/IN/PRACTICE)

言語設計者たちが考えること (THEORY/IN/PRACTICE)

It's translation version of "Mastermind of Programming".

If you have read original version, you doubt that it's not Ruby book. Yes, you're right. But in Japanese edition, O'reilly added new interview with Matz! It's bonus track for Japanese readers. Thanks, O'reilly Japan!

Hideo Konami "楽しいプログラミング"



I guess it's the most minor Ruby book in this year. I happened to find it and get it in Kansai Ruby Kaigi.

It's not for ordinary Ruby programmer, but textbook for student. But the author, Konami-san, is one of the most famous Rubyist in Kansai area. He supports Ruby Kansai, regional Ruby user group for a long time. So I'm very glad to get it :)

Go Maeda "入門Redmine 第2版"

入門Redmine 第2版 Linux/Windows対応

入門Redmine 第2版 Linux/Windows対応

The title is "Introduction of Redmine, 2nd ed."

Redmine is now popular tool in Japan. Maeda-san has redmine.jp and introduce redmine into Japanese programmers. The 1st edition of the book is for Redmine 0.7 or 0.8, so it's old. Now we can know current redmine by this 2nd edition.

Akihiko Ogawa, Makoto Sakai "Redmineによるタスクマネジメント実践技法"



The title is "Task Management Technique using Redmine"

It's not how-to book of Redmine, but how-to book of task management with Redmine.

Many IT engineers in Japan love Excel. They use it for task managements and documentations. It's very bad thing I guess. So we need the books like it.

The book introduced a task management method called "Ticket-driven development". They called "TiDD". TiDD is an interesting idea.

Miki Shimizu "はじめてのRuby on Rails3"

The book is 3rd edtion of Ruby beginner's book.

The important thing of the book is not for beginner, but author herself is beginner(?!) of Ruby. She tried to use Rails with little knowledge of Ruby, then she proved that Rails is useful for beginners. fmm.

William C. Wake, Kevin Rutherford "リファクタリングRuby―実践ワークブック"



  • 作者: ウィリアム・C.ウェイク,ケヴィンラザフォード,William C. Wake,Kevin Rutherford,小林健一,吉野雅人,太田大地,坂本一憲,小島努
  • 出版社/メーカー: ピアソン桐原
  • 発売日: 2010/11
  • メディア: 単行本
  • 購入: 4人 クリック: 181回
  • この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る

The book is translation version of "Refactoring in Ruby".

That's all! These books are published in this year. Let's enjoy Ruby books!

Ruby Advent Calendar 2010 jp-en

This entry is for Ruby Advent Calendar jp-en: 2010 : ATND.

The previous post was from elight: "Test::Unit sucks! (and why I still use it)" .